Rhapsody from the Wilds (full score)
Wind orchestra; duration:  9'51"
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This purchase is for the full score only. The parts are sold separately for $298.
US$ 78.00

World premiere at the Taichung Chung-Hsin Hall in Taiwan on July 21, 2007, performed by the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra with Ito Yasuhide (伊藤康英) conducting.

Program Notes

This piece was motivated by "Hunting in Childhood", a children's song of the Taiwanese Bu-Nong tribe. From beginning to end the music follows a single-movement form. The beginning of the piece is based on atonality. The music leads us into a world of wilderness, revealing the mystery of the wilds, and discovering the secrets of the aboriginal tribe. The middle section uses repeated rhythms. Sections of melodies overlap and develop into a sophisticated structure. As the music progresses, the repeated rhythms continue to manifest themselves. A broad and majestic scene is created, which leads to a grand finale. The coda reflects and echoes the beginning of the piece. To discover the tribal worshipfulness and totemic myth hidden behind the music, the individual listeners must exercise their own imagination and interpretation. This piece was commissioned by the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra for the 2007 Aboriginal Music Collection in Taiwan.

此曲在台灣台中市中興堂於二OO七年七月二十一日世界首演,由日本作曲家伊藤康英先生指揮 新竹交響管樂團演出。


本曲取材自布農族的童謠“兒時獵歌”,樂曲為一氣喝成的單樂章形式。樂曲開端建 立在無調 的基礎上,引領著我們進入一個原始蠻荒之境,揭開那原始部落神祕、謎樣般的奧祕。中段運用 基本的重複節奏、片段旋律交織而衍生出繁複的織體架構。隨著樂曲的進行,不斷的節奏重複, 壯闊的氣勢使得音樂航向高潮的終點,樂曲尾聲和首段前後呼應,音樂背後所隱藏著那原始部落的 圖騰禁忌的崇拜謎思,則須自行去思索體會了。本曲為2007年新竹交響管樂團委託創作。