Reigning Over the Waves (full score)
Wind orchestra; duration:  6'11"
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US$ 48.00

"Reigning Over the Waves" 《威震四海》performed by the Taiwan Navy Band at the National Concert Hall, Taiwan in 2007 with Prof. Lian-Chang Kuo (郭聯昌教授) conducting.

This music is consisted of three sections: 1) Impending Danger, 2) Voyage Through Troubled Waters, and 3) Strength and Spirits. It describes the journey of a Naval battleship breaking away from dangerous circumstances and navigating through challenging encounters. The music concludes with brass instruments and drums in concert, symbolizing the victorious return of the battleship with strength and spirits.

The first section is an attempt of the composer to capture the feelings of unease and unpredictability. Using modern composition skills, unconventional performing techniques and experimental combinations of instruments, an atmosphere is created for the audience to experience the capricious and unstable emotion. It exhibits a devious, mysterious, and furtive style. The interaction among tone, dynamics and texture achieves a dramaturgic musical tension. The musical structure in this section is based on kinetic connection of a serious of static notes. By contrast, the second and third sections are based on relations and transitions among the different keys. The melody unleashes swiftly, without sharp contrast, without hindrance. The mutual complement between brass and percussion opens a broad scene of excitement and enthusiasm. Converging to a rhythmic and vivid mood, the music ends with high spirits and full of self-confidence. (This music was a commissioned work for the Navy Band of the Republic of China in 2007.)



本曲共分為三大部分:《險境》、《歷險奇航》、《威風凜凜》。主要描述軍艦陷於險境中如何 突破危機並展開一段歷險的旅程,而藉由銅管樂器及浩大鼓聲齊鳴象徵軍艦威風凜凜的凱旋歸來。 第一部份為作曲者想捕捉一種不安定感與不可預期的企圖,運用現代音樂手法及透過許多實驗性 的演奏技巧與樂器組合,以製造不可預期與不安定的氣氛為目的,而有如身處於險境中。因而音樂 顯出迂迴的、神祕的、詭誕的風格。在音色、力度與織質上的交互作用下達到戲劇性的音樂張力。 此段的音樂結構主要為以一種動態的內在來串連靜態音樂的表現組織。第二及第三部份基本架構 建築在調門間的關係上,音樂以橫掃千軍的態勢開展,沒有突兀的對比,也沒有破壞樂曲流暢性 的轉折,管樂與擊樂兩者環環相扣,展開一段熱鬧壯闊的景象, 最後以整齊、富有朝氣且充滿 自信的節奏結束。本曲系海軍樂隊二OO七年委託作品。