Naluwan Marimba Concerto (full score & marimba part) for marimba and wind orchestra
Duration: approximately 8'40"
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This purchase is for the full score only. Other parts are sold separately for $188.98
US$ 66.98

World premiere at the Taichung Chung-Hsin Hall in Taiwan on July 21, 2007, performed by  marimba soloist Yi-Lin Liu (劉奕麟) and the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra, with Ito Yasuhide (伊藤康英)  conducting. (Video shows performance at the Hsinchu Performing Arts Center on 7/27/2007.)

This marimba concerto for the wind orchestra was commissioned by the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra. The music contains four parts, describing the legends and legacies of the A-Mei Tribe in Taiwan.
  • Bon-Cha – Ancestor of the A-Mei Tribe: (measures 1-72): From the opposite shore of the ocean, Bon-Cha and his sister drifted to Taiwan in a canoe. They started generations after generations, becoming the A-Mei Tribe today.
  • Chief Malago Fighting Giant Alika: (measures 173-130): On the Mei-Lun mountains in Hua-Lieng, Chief Malago led the tribe warriors against the aggression of the giant, Alika. Combats after combats the giant was finally defeated. The tranquility and happiness of the tribe was restored.
  • Song of Life: (measures 131-158): The fireplace was where the family got together, lived, and educated their youngsters. It was the center of the family and the source of livelihood. At the gathering place the tribe members sat around the fireplace and sang, symbolizing the continuation and prosperity of life.
  • Harvest Festival: (measures 159-183): Praying for a good harvest in the coming year was done with singing and dancing. The more enthusiastic the celebration is, the more abundant the crops will be. Harvest Festival was the most important celebration for the agriculture based A-Mei Tribe. Thus, this theme is used for the grand finale.
  • 此曲在台灣台中市中興堂於二OO七年七月二十一日世界首演,由日本作曲家伊藤康英先生指揮 新竹交響管樂團演出。


    本曲是應新竹交響管樂團委託,為馬林巴琴與管樂團所寫。本曲共分為四個部份,樂曲描述阿美族 的 神話傳說。

  • 阿美族的始祖∼ 邦查: 第1小節至第72小節來自大海的另一邊, 有一對邦查兄妹乘著獨木舟漂流到台灣,開始世代繁衍,於後產生了現在的阿美族。
  • 首領馬拉葛和巨人阿里卡蓋的奮戰: 第73小節至第130小節在花蓮的 美崙山上,頭目馬拉葛率領族人奮戰,捍衛族人的安危,一次又一次的爭戰後,終於打敗了大巨人, 族人恢復平靜歡樂的生活。
  • 生命之歌: 第131小節至第158小節火爐是家人團聚、生活、和教育 的地方,是家的中心點,也是族人的生命之源。在聚會所內,族人圍著火爐哼唱,象徵生命的延綿 不斷。
  • 豐年祭: 第159小節至第183小節藉由祭祀歌舞來祈求一年的豐收。 歌舞愈熱烈盛大,農作物的收成會愈好。以農為本的阿美族以豐年祭為一年最主要的祭典,故以此題 終結全曲。