Butterfly Lovers Violins Concerto
(full score & violin part) for violin and wind orchestra       Duration: approximately 13'54"
The full score and violin part for this wind orchestra piece in PDF will be emailed to you within 24 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right. The "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card.

This purchase is for the full score and the violin part only. Other parts are sold separately for $288.
US$ 60.00

Program notes

This piece was commissioned by the Hsinchu Wind Orchestra in 2006 and dedicated to the well-known Taiwanese composer Dr. Jau-Jen Yang. There are two movements: The first movement "Mutual Admiration" reminisces a sonata form and is based on two contrasting themes that are continually developed. The second movement "Two Butterflies Fly" extends the development further and provides an energetic finale to the entire piece.

This piece was selected to perform at the 2011 WASBE (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) Festival. It was performed on July 7, 2011 by violin soloist Ting-Yu Wu and the Taiwan Wind Ensemble with Prof. Lian-Chang Kuo conducting. The recording was distributed by Mark Custom Recording.



此首小提琴協奏曲完成於2006年,為獻給國寶級作曲家楊兆禎教授。此曲採用交響樂與戲曲音樂的 表現手法,描繪了教授及其夫人相愛相惜一生的情感意境。本曲共分為二個樂章,第一樂章為 “情愫互衷”,引用楊兆禎教授的歌曲“蝶戀花”的片段旋律作為主要主 題,小提琴與樂團如歌地對答, 比擬出兩人的相識,中段活潑的山歌主題刻劃出兩人同遊共玩的情境,最後曲調轉回主要主題, 訴說著兩人依依惜別之情。第二樂章為“彩蝶雙飛”,以散板自由的序奏引出愛情的主題,比喻兩人 有如一對彩蝶,在輕盈飄逸的旋律襯托下翩翩起舞,歌頌他們忠貞的愛情,整首樂曲在小提琴華麗、 輝煌的獨奏技巧和抒情性的筆調下,表現了兩人的深情眷戀。此曲為新竹交響管樂團委託創作。

此曲應《2012 世界管樂年會》邀請於台灣嘉義市由小提琴演奏家吳庭毓和台灣管樂團演出,郭聯昌教授指揮。錄音由 Mark Custom Recording 發行。