Rainforest Impression
(full score and parts)
flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano. duration: 5'06"
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US$ 48.00

Program Notes

This piece is a quintet for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano, inspired by the ecological landscape of the Amazon rainforest. The piece begins to describe the scene of rain, using cello, violin pizzcato and piano short notes to describe the sound of rain, the flute expresses the chirping of birds, and the various sounds and rhythm changes of musical instruments represents the ecological evolution of the rainforest such as insects, birds, as well as mammals and various plants.


此曲為長笛、豎笛、小提琴、大提琴和鋼琴五重奏, 靈感來自於亞馬遜雨林的生態景觀, 樂曲開始描述下雨的景象, 利用小提、大提琴 的撥奏及鋼琴的短音彈奏來形容雨聲, 再進而加入長笛來表示鳥類的叫聲, 隨著樂器各式各樣的聲音及節奏變化來描述雨林的生態衍變, 例如 昆蟲及鳥類, 還有哺乳動物及多種植物。