Nice Day
(full score and parts)
Flute, harp, cello, piano and jazz drum. duration: 3'43"
The electronic version of the full scoreand parts for this duet in PDF will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right. The "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card such as VISA or Master card.

US$ 40.00

Program Notes

This piece is a quintet for flute, harp, cello, piano and jazz drum. Because of the impact of the coronavirus on the world, hope everyone will cherish themselves and live everyday well. With this piece, the composer hopes that everyday will be beautiful, comfortable and joyful. This piece was commissioned by the flutist Ma Hsiao-Pei and world-premiered at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)in November, 2020.)


此曲為長笛、豎琴、大提琴、鋼琴和爵士鼓五重奏, 因有感於冠狀病毒對全世界人類的影響, 希望大家珍惜自己, 過好每一天。 作曲者藉由此曲期望每一天都是美好的, 舒適愉悅的。此曲為長笛演奏家馬曉珮委託創作作品並於2020年11月7日在 高雄衛武營藝術文化中心世界首演。