Not yet released
Love Song of a Warlord
(full score and parts)
Pipa and guitar duet; duration: 6'30"
The electronic version of the full scoreand parts for this duet in PDF will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right. The "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card such as VISA or Master card.

US$ 50.00

Program Notes

This duet for pipa and guitar was inspired by the historical battle between Chu and Han in China around 200 BC. The music describes a love story between the Warlord of Chu and Lady Yu Ji. The beauty of Yu Ji is characterized by pipa's musical syntax and playing techniques (pluck, pick, tremolo, pizzicato, strum, and brush). The heroism of the warlord is characterized by guitar's sonority and performance skills (tambora, pluck, harmonic, and rasgueado). The piece contains three parts: the Encounter, Yu Ji's Dance, and Elegy.


此曲為琵琶和吉他二重奏, 創作靈感來自歷史楚漢相爭末期, 西楚霸王項羽 和虞姬的愛情故事。此曲以琵琶的演奏語法及技巧( 彈, 挑, 輪, 扳, 掃絃及拂絃) 等來描述虞姬的美貌特質; 以吉他的低沈音色及特殊演奏語法技巧( 鼓奏, 撥絃, 泛音, 滾奏) 等來表達項羽的英雄特質。此曲共分為三部分: 英雄與美人相遇, 虞姬獻舞, 垓下悲歌。