Dark Dark Sky
flute ensemble (nonet)          duration: 5'00"
The full score and parts for this piece in PDF will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours upon receiving the amount of payment shown on the right. The "buy now" button on the left will bring you to a secured website where you can pay with PayPal or a major credit card such as VISA or Master card.
US$ 58.00

The paper version of the score is available at Golden Hearts Publications. Click here for the world-premiere recording by Marronier Flute Orchestra in 2004 .

Program Notes

This piece is an arrangement of a popular Taiwanese folksong for the children. The lyrics describe an entertaining scene of peasant's life. A quarrel started over how to cook a catfish, as the grandpa wanted it salty and the grandma wanted it light. They kept fighting until the cooking pot was accidentally broken. The music uses counterpoints and variations of the motif to depict the story, which presents rich and colorful melodic changes.


此首樂曲為台灣耳熟能詳的童謠, 歌詞描述阿公阿媽為了泥鰍要煮鹹還是煮淡而吵的不可開交, 甚至打破鋦鼎, 饒富趣味表達農民生活逗趣的一面。樂曲中使用對位, 旋律變奏的方式來顯現 歌詞中的情境, 為一首充滿旋律色彩變化的樂曲。